Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Goodnight kisses

Look what I got to kiss tonight! Sweet boy is in his jammies, snuggling with his thumb and his mommy. I cherish these moments; they are the ones I dreamt of many a night listening to the ventilator noises. Tonight we were doing our normal prayers. Luke pops out his thumb and puts his cute little palms together and says "Nana and Papa" and names off every family member with his own little sound, then proceeds to hold up his thumb to tell God that's what he's thankful for. I'm thankful for thumbs, too, and for the precious moments with my children.

Luke seems to be past his cold. It never turned into anything major. Yay.

Unfortunately, Allie has it now. It's been worse for her; she's fairly miserable. Hoping it passes quickly for her, too. She's just racing through her kindergarten work. She wants to start cursive and first grade studies. I just have to laugh. She reminds me so much of me. Poor kid.

Danielle has her sights set on Senior Champs in San Antonio in February. She is qualified for 3 events. She had a good meet this last weekend and improved her times and endurance, which was her goal.

Jake has the Pinewood Derby this weekend. His last one before crossing over to Boy Scouts next month. I can't believe he's old enough to do that. He's going to be in middle school in the fall. Wow.

I'm in the process of exploring what's going on with my knee and ankle and it seems it is probably related to my spinal injury from our big car accident in 2005. Alignment issues have created a problem for me. Still putting puzzle pieces together. My MRI results are showing a sprained deltoid ligament and stress fracture in my ankle along with an Achilles issue and 2 stress fractures in my knee. So this marathon is out and I'm going to have to pick another finish line. So regrouping and rehabbing is the plan and will get back to training for the finish line that will be crossed. I'm disappointed, but thankful to have found a doctor who looks at the whole body and how it relates as a whole. I've been wishing for just such a thing since the car accident. Even so, I'm really really bummed.

On the photography front: been playing with different kinds of lighting and ISO settings. I had shied away from using fully manual settings and finally did. Got the shots I wanted. Yes!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet sweet picture... I am bummed for you too but there is another finish line and I will be the loudest one cheering!! Bets
