Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Choosing to trust

Luke was giggling and asking where his Bob the Builder toy was and I was reminded again how blessed we are. This earthly home is not our home. By the way, "Bob" is Luke's newest word and it's exciting because it has a vowel and consonants strung together. It's so cute hearing him say it again and again. This is Bob...isn't he cute? It's one of Luke's favorite toys.

Okay, I've been wrestling with the response to the impending lay-off in my head all day. At times my head has been content to rest in Him and at other times I worry about tomorrow. The kids and I have talked about that towel that God gave us in a heavy rainstorm a few months ago. One of my children said, "Yeah, but you were being faithful." Well, doesn't that remind us to be faithful now? I think that choosing to trust doesn't mean we won't feel any fear. He takes care of even the sparrows and knows every single hair on our heads. Yes, these circumstances stink. Yet, the only thing I think I can do is to respond in the way God wants me to. So I will pray and I will choose to trust. Again and still. I will encourage my children to keep their eyes on Jesus. I will support my husband the best way I can. I will probably have to remind myself of this again, too.

I also have to say how proud I am of John. His response has been so much more calm and peaceful this time around. There is only one explanation: our Father.

My heart does hurt for my children. They are struggling some with this. I think we're all weary. It's been a long, difficult few years.

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