Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So tired.  It's the season, I know, but it's so important to be out there in the mission field.  I'd love to be out there doing more outside of our home.  I keep "shoulding" myself and the only thing that accomplishes is just making me feel guilty for not doing enough.  Yet there are only 24 hours in a day.  That's it.  There is also only so much energy to go around.  Maybe my main mission field is our home and family for this season.  It's been quite the season these last few years. 

With John getting laid off on Thursday, I'm amazed at another way God is showing Himself.  Danielle's coach is personally paying for her long course swim team fees for the summer.  I'm blown away.  She said some wonderful things about Danielle and that she had someone do something similar for her when she was growing up.  Danielle will serve as an assistant swim lesson teacher for the summer to help do her part.  I'm humbled and thankful...again. 

Luke is so cute as he attempts to make the sounds we model for him.  While we were at a doctor appt today he attempted to say the word "stop."  He usually gets the last part ("op").  He very slowly made a not so perfect "s" and after a pause finished the word.  All of us were cheering!  His newest word is "no."  He is vocalizing that word clearly and loudly and often!  I'm thankful every day.

Speaking of Luke, someone is anonymously sending us contributions for Luke's Carepage memory book.  They are going to the trouble to type the address and what it's for so that we may not know who is sending it.  Again, I'm  humbled.  It has been a reminder that we're not alone.  We are a bigger community supporting each other.  I look forward to the day that we get to pay it forward. 

I recently saw pictures of a trip to Kenya on a blog that really moved the kids and me.  I hope once John is working again that we can sponsor a child.  I was blown away seeing how these people literally live on a garbage heap.  There was a picture of a boy peering into the window of a school.  What a privilege we have to be able to be educated. 

I thank God for the reminders that we are not alone.  He is bigger than any of our circumstances and we are in community to help show each other God's love. 

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