Monday, February 22, 2010

Finish Lines!

Wow!! I can hardly believe it. With bone injuries and a sprained ligament, God still made it possible for me to complete the Austin marathon. It wasn't pretty, but I did cross that finish line. After 6 miscarriages, we found out we were pregnant with Luke on Valentine's Day 2007, not knowing if we would get to ever hold him. Little did we know what a "marathon" lay ahead. When he got so sick and was hospitalized for so long

we were told to get our minds into a marathon mentality as it would not be a sprint. Many surgeries, procedures, and blood, sweat, and tears later and even a job lay-off... it's once again Valentine's Day. God has shown Himself to be so faithful. 2 Samuel 22:37 says "You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping." He makes our paths wide. He just does. He performs miracles right in front of our eyes. He healed my baby boy's laryngeal cleft that was supposed to need a major surgery keepig us in Cincinnati for ~6 weeks. It was GONE. Gone. No surgery needed. He has taken care of our family in ways I never could've imagined. He even gave me back the marathon that I had my heart set on running on Valentine's Day 2010 when there should've been no way. He makes our paths wide and He cares that we fear. As I had plenty of time to think during the 6 hours it took me out there I realized that life itself really is a marathon and we better get a long term marathon mentality. He makes our paths wide. He just does.

Thank you, Lord, for miracles. For friends and family. For making our paths wide. For finish lines on Valentine's Day.

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